
Tuesday 9 June 2009

Cote de Texas + Yeehaw to 8

As my blog's 2nd Anniversary approaches (June 11th), I want to be sure to send out a big Texan Thank You to the one and only Joni Webb of Cote de Texas. Day in, day out - overnight in, overnight out, 3/4 of my blog's traffic comes from Joni's blog! (that's a lot) If Joni ever dumped Liberty Post I'd be in cow poop (standing in the middle of a dang ol' Texan bull ranch..the double doo doo kind). Joni and I started our blogs around the same time (within a few weeks of each other) and she was my second link exchange - Beach Bungalow 8 was my first! So Thank You to Blogebrities Joni and Megan! Big Yeehaw (Canadian) hug....later today I'll have a treat for Megan...stay tuned.


  1. really??????? you are kidding me. n wow. yeehaw! haha!

    thank you Ms. Friday. YOu've been with me along the ride and we bees soul sistas.

    You da best!

    why am I talking like dis?

  2. Cause it's the middle of the night and you're still up my menfolk here would say (in snarky voices)'Made any money off your blog yet?' arrrrrr...

  3. You both have me that... and love your blogs, xv.

  4. Patti - I just have to say I love your header today x

  5. That IS how I found you, thru Cote de Texas. What a lucky day, finding both of you.

    Love your headers darling. And all else you do. You inspire.

    Thank you. Congrats too.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  6. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!! And I agree about CdT - source of much of my traffic as well!!


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