
Thursday 21 May 2009

Wrong Winners: Idol + Dancing little rant about these shows. Simon has always maintained that 'America always gets it right'. Finally, I must disagree. Gilles should have won Dancing with The Stars and Adam should have won American Idol. These two shows offer such incredible entertainment value, but now I'm miffed....muffed and chuffed.


  1. I was totally shocked last night with Idol. I think the contestants were too!

  2. I least he won't have to spend the year singing that lame...and so not written for the winner. Gag.

  3. Agree about Gilles, he was far superior to Shawn. He just wasn't well enough known I guess.

    I was prepared for Kris to win Idol so I'm not that angry. He was much safer and not so threatening to middle America. But Adam will do fine, probably better now that he won't be under the control of the American Idol machine. Kris' career needed the publicity of winning Idol, Adam was on his way to rock stardom whatever the outcome.

  4. Disappointed sexy Adam didn't win, did you notice Simon seated , with a stunned look on his face, while the others stood and applauded.
    Kris will enjoy a short lived pop career, he seems like a nice kid. Hope to see Adam in many creative venues

  5. My *2 cents*...I LOVE Adam - I thought he was by far the best contestant. However, I'm happy that he didn't win, because now he has so much more freedom. He's not bound by an "Idol" contract, and as someone else said, isn't stuck with that awful song - it was totally not "him". However, I'm not totally surprised that he wasn't our winner...Just before they made the big announcement, I turned to my hubby and said,"I'll bet that if he doesn't win, it's been rigged". We've all heard talk that after Slash visited the Idol set, "Velvet Revolver" suddenly had a front-runner for a new lead vocalist. When Kris won, hubby said, "Well, I guess "VR" just got themselves a new singer", to which I replyed, "you mean, "VR" just *bought* themselves a new singer?"
    I know it's not likely, but just saying...the thought crossed my mind.


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