
Tuesday 19 May 2009

Who's Your City? and A Few Bones To Pick

WARNING: I just woke up and I'm pissed.
On June 11th I will be celebrating this blog's 2nd Anniversary. Now here's the bone(s) to pick: Why don't they (blogger) tell you that your photos will need to be stored somewhere; in some virtual cardboard box in the Internet space air out there some where - like I don't comprehend it so - but truly...why didn't they tell me (us) that it will eventually cost you money to load more photos? (picasa)

10 GB ($20.00 USD per year)

40 GB ($75.00 USD per year)

150 GB ($250.00 USD per year)

400 GB ($500.00 USD per year)
Come on! Isn't the Internet a bit like infinity? I always thought so didn't you? So in the end my friends I'm on a blogger hunger strike. No photos until they let me.
Now comes the next bone to pick. How does one do an interesting post without pretty pictures or disturbing photographs or provocative images? It's harder than you think, so now I have a new appreciation and respect abundant for all those uber-talented bloggers who have never ever ever used pics as a crutch. Can you name a few? Try harder...come on...give me the names of 3 bloggers who never use photographs in their posts....I challenge you.
Alright, 3rd bone to pick this morning. Why the hell is Grace Bonnie (Design Sponge) working with Canadian House and Home? Don't we have some excellent 'Canadian' design bloggers? How about Kim Vallee or Poppytalk or Restyled Home or This is Glamorous or heck - why not add some spice to your publication and have me do it??? I am not dissing Grace - that could be blogging suicide - design bloggers seem to tip toe around each other; chanting niceties and stabbing each other in the back - so darn (traffic) competitive. Am I the only one who is feeling the formation of a negative hierarchy in the blogosphere? Who knows who and who's scratching who's back kind of stuff? Shame on you Suzanne Dimma. Pick someone from Canada for god's sake. (And yes, Canadian House and Home is the ONLY magazine I subscribe to thank you very much. Ya'll know I gave up buying a responsible recessionary measure....but I could never give this one's about my foreigners...opinions...)
Who's your contributor? Who's your Blogger? Who's you City? (If you didn't know it, this magazine has fabulous design videos to watch.) Like this one of The Florida's Toronto home.
The best-selling author and his wife, Rana, show off their stunning, light-filled space. Rana and Richard Florida, author of The Rise of the Creative Class, tour their kitchen, office, living room, kitchen and poolside deck in this video. Mixing modern and traditional elements, the home also features incredible ravine views. See more of the house in the April 2009 issue. Ah ya...Richard is not Canadian either. Hmmmm...
Pick. Pick. Pic. Pic. (sans) Pics.


  1. Yikes ! I didn't know all that.
    I can see why you're none too happy.
    Off to check the blogger rules out.

  2. Where to post pics is always a problem. I use because I can upload from my Mac - although there is an annual fee for that. You can also use Flickr - which many use. There are free versions of flikr accounts, or low cost. Although the storage limit is tight. The other option is to open a new blogger account and have it become part of your "team". That account will then have another 100GB's of storage. You just need to be logged into that account and create posts from it. It could be Liberty Post Editor2 or something.

    As far as Grace in a Canadia Mag - I know! Things like that can get very irritating. But, she's the big fish and magazines are doing all they can to stay afloat and that means going after the biggest fish they can.

    Looking forward to the return of your images. However, your words are good too!

  3. sorry, I just checked, we get 1000MB's of storage on blogger, not 100GB's.

  4. That is annoying. But! There are free image hosting sites out there. I use either or (photobucket is an old one too, that should work just as well) to just toss up a quick image to host. Then you can get the direct image url and paste it in as an 'image from the web.'

  5. i had no idea about the picture limits! interesting post my dear. I do love images, especially yours, so I believe in your cause, but I hope the strike doesn't go too long :)

  6. This is all news to me. I better check typepad and see what the rule book says. I pay a small fee monthly to use typepad, maybe blogger being free it's different.

    I can't do blogging without images, so they better not take them away from me.

  7. It's interesting you write this post today as I just finished looking at Picasa and was trying to figure it out. I always ignored the logo on the Blogger page after I uploaded. The reason I looked at it is because I find my images aren't as large as some other Bloggers even though I select 'Large' on uploading. I have Tumblr and Wordpress blogs as well but haven't really used them. I may start using my Flickr page more. I find I do get quite a few visitors to my blog from my Flickr page.

    In regards to your comment on Canadian mags and their choice of bloggers; I was just led on for 2.5 months by a large Canadian company only to find out the blogger was already chosen even before the company contacted me to submit ideas to them. It was simply a pre-orchestrated PR campaign. What a waste of time and creative energy - especially when they contacted me. Your comment is right - it's who you know.

    In this day and age these publications need to pay more attention to WOMM (word of mouth marketing). See for more info.

  8. Man- I had to start paying for pictures ages ago. but thanks for reminding me of my birthday - I think I may have missed it!!!! soooo dumb.

    btw - it's not a lto of money - maybe $10 or $25. don't go on a hunger strike.


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