
Saturday 30 May 2009

Think (Colourfully) and Grow Rich

It was a splendid Saturday! I was awake early - before the sun - and sipped on creamy white coffee whilst I uploaded my photographs and new header to Liberty Post. (yeah! photos are back!) At 7:30 I journeyed to my first ever Mom 2 Mom Sale. What a concept! I actually bought this exuberant blouse there. I adore the pattern and colour. Then I had a lovely visit with my 2 baby Granddaughters - cooing and cuddling - kisses, oh yes..lots of kisses. From there I ventured to Chapters to enjoy the aisles of books and magazines. (tough I know) Another bonus! Starbucks was offering free coffee and Godiva chocolates!!! Yes, free! From Chapters I travelled up the highway to Value Village and discovered a McCoy-looking teal container for some new succulents awaiting sandy soil and a spot in my living room window. (pics to come) Along the way I made dreamy notes; jotting ideas and stopped to photograph lilacs. (and cheated with french fries and an icy coke) I even had to remove my purple scarf. It got quite sunny and warm. The colour chips you ask? Ah...they are perfect bookmarks don't you think? I picked them up from Benjamin Moore. 2 colours (click on the bottom photo to see the names) were highlighted in Nicolette Camille's apartment/floral studio (Blue Hydrangea 2062-60 and Cumulus Cloud 2063-70) and one I just love (Baby Boy Blue 2056-50), well, because it reminds me of Tiffany's. All in all, a perfect day. It's storming and lightening and blowing outside right now. I sense a rainbow of colour over the horizon shortly. Think (Colourfully) and Grow Rich.
Think and Grow Rich here.
Seth Godin book Permission Marketing here.
Did I mention I also scooted into the Barrie Human Society to say hello to all the kitties and puppers? Yes, it was a great day.

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