
Sunday 31 May 2009

Canola Fields

You may be wondering: What the heck is canola? Where does it come from? Is is a nut or a plant or a chemical or a flower or er...hmmm....Well, around here (Georgian Bay), we have the most impressive fields of yellow. (ah yes, we are so in vogue this year - yellow is the colour of the moment isn't it?) The yellowness is only here for a fleeting week or two, so it's the time photographers and plein air painters get their butts out there. If you've never seen it, it really is spectacular.


  1. I remember seeing fields of this in the UK and it was called rapeseed. It's the most incredible colour, isn't it?

  2. We call it rapeseed but ours smells of pee. Does yours?

  3. Have you seen the new mystery series from the BBC called Wallander? There are fields and field of this stuff. Yellow personified. And it's gorgeous!

  4. Yes, they are breathtaking - both in a visual, and an olfactory sense ;) Canola does have a rancid smell.


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