
Monday 27 April 2009

Swine Flu Page: Some News is So Big it Needs it's Own Page

And Arianna makes it so. Or, follow the swine flu map on Google. (live)


  1. i'm scared. i think my daughter's bf actually had it!! he went to mexico on a cruise a few weeks ago and came down with the worst flu a few days later!!!! she didnt' get it though. but now I wonder if that was what is was. i'm scared!!!

  2. I just read the WHO take on it. Our press are having a field day with their scare mongering.

  3. Joni: I must admit that I am washing my hands much more and reminding my loved ones to do the same. I don't have gel is moving into Canada too. Hope the bf and your Daughter are O.K.

  4. Di: The press are thanking the media gods...they love an ongoing story like this. It feeds the beast. Ah, I should write a post about that.


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