
Saturday 1 April 2017

The Best Beach House

I have sifted and perused through, dare I say, thousands of shelter magazines. I've surfed in and out of tens of thousands of online home design albums and blogs. I have bought decorating books and brought home arm-breaking piles of home hardcovers from the local library. But until today, I hadn't truly discovered; excavated my true authentic house. The one that just says 'that's me'. This is 'me'. It wouldn't matter if I had little or abundant money, this would be the house for me. Someday when you come to one of my cultural potlucks, this will be the home (kind) you will walk into. (click on the photos to see all the lovely, perfect-imperfect details) I won't bore you with the reasons why because the images completely say it all. What is your authentic house and have you found it yet?

Home Owner:  Fulvia Farolfi Instagram Twitter Google

Photo Credit:  The Selby

I am the Editor of the 'Embassy of Ideas'. Please visit it here:

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I am Editor of the 'Embassy of Ideas'
Please visit me there!